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IBPA Publishing University 2019 Call for Speakers
IBPA Publishing University 2019 Call for Speakers
IBPA PubU is a great event that allowed us to connect with many publishers and authors. The event was well organized, the communication was excellent and everyone at the event was friendly. We will definitely be attending again!
—Kerrie Flanagan Outreach & Event Manager with CraveBooks
The IBPA Publishing University is a great investment for anyone in the publishing space. The sessions are thought provoking, informative and interesting! Small group meetings provide ability to go in depth on topics . Fantastic networking opportunity!
—Debbie Rosenbaum Vicks Print and Fulfillment
IBPA PubU cemented my belief in the innovative spirit and community focus of independent publishing. These publishers are my people!
—Ambika Sambasivan, Sambasivan & Parikh
This was my first in-person PubU, but not my last. The programming is how you justify the event, but it is really all about the people—connecting IRL with "virtual" friends, and meeting so many new people, who are all there for the love of creating and sharing independent books with the world. So many new friendships were made those three days!
—Paul Nylander, Illustrada Design
The 2024 IBPA Conference in Denver was beautifully organized. Break out sessions and opportunities to ask specific questions of experts gave me the concrete steps I needed to move forward with marketing and personal growth. The IBPA President and her staff were entirely approachable with even the most mundane questions.
—Robin Heald, Author-Publisher Robin Ray Books
Attending IBPA Publishing University is a MUST for all independent publishers. It is the place to be to meet other publishing professionals, to learn the ins and outs of your business and to network with a supportive business community that will help you grow your publishing company. I have learned so much by attending multiple conferences and will continue to attend every year. April O'Leary, O'Leary Pubishing
—April O'Leary, O'Leary Publishing
IBPA offers resources, assistance and community for independent publishers. Pub U is a great learning opportunity and a must attend for all independent publishers.
—Theresa Halvorsen, No Bad Books Press
Thank you, IBPA, for fostering an environment where professionalism, information, generosity, and kindness prevailed, enabling everyone in attendance to be equally positive. The ambience was very obvious and contagious.
—Claudine Mansour Claudine Mansour Design
There were two main objectives in my mind for attending this year's conference: 1) To gain a better understanding of where this industry is headed in general and 2) To obtain specific information about positioning my company to align with that. Both objectives were accomplished because of the classes and panel discussions attended. Also, it was a great locale to hold a conference; the pace of the conference was relaxing and yet very informative. There were opportunities for networking and interacting with others, and the staff at IBPA was exceptionally helpful! Their genuine desire is for attendees to benefit from the conference, and they work tirelessly towards that goal. (I hope they were able to enjoy a long week of vacation after their hard work over the weekend!) The pre-conference session on Amazon was and there were many positive takeaways from that session. The additional time and money spent on the pre-conference session were definitely worth it!
–Teresa Granberry, Harvest Creek Publishing and Design
This event is the gold standard by which all other publishing conferences should be judged. Practical information is moving in every direction.—Joe Biel, Founder and CEO, Microcosm Publishing and WorkingLit
IBPA Publishing University was such a great experience. This was my first time attending and I really wish I'd come sooner! Publishers from all genres and at all levels of experience were willing to share their advice and experience. I left with a long list of actionable items to improve our publishing operations and a bunch of new contacts who are willing to help me with questions. Such a valuable conference!
—Paige Vigliarolo, Wolfram Media
Interested in publishing your own book or launching a publishing business? IBPA's PubU should be your very first stop.
—Allison Olson, DropCap
During my first year at IBPA, I was blown away by the like-mindedness of so many thoughtful, caring publishers. The knowledge that was presented was helpful and thorough. It was such a fantastic experience! I will be back next year, for sure.
—Danielle Ramirez, Quiet Storm Services
An incredible conference... The exceptional quality of content, speakers delivering that content, and an informed membership provide a wealth of information for attendees at all levels.
—Hughes Suffren, Author, Hughes Suffren Enterprises, LLC
A great investment in time and money. Reminded me that we are part of a larger community.
—Brian Schwartz,
IBPA is where a spirit of collaboration benefits every participant. IBPA is building a different future for publishing, anchored in advocacy, creativity, and opportunity.
—Pam Sheppard, Publishing Consultant
As a ‘newbie’ publisher of both fiction and non-fiction, I found IBPA’s Publishing University to be extremely useful. We’re going again next year. I enjoyed the classes—and learned a tremendous amount—and was very pleased with the contacts I made.
—Katie Thompson, Hammersmark Books
I was an introverted neophyte going into the Publishing University. However, after an intensive two days of practical instruction, I left feeling more confident about my publishing abilities, better able to make publishing decisions, and with a bag full of business cards from other publishers who were willing to share their wisdom and guidance with me.
—Courtenay S. Brown, National Association of Home Builders
I wish I had attended the IBPA Publishing University before I opened my publishing house for business. In less than three days, I learned an incredible amount of applicable information that I’m transferring to positive action.
—Frank Gromling, Ocean Publishing
IBPA's Publishing University provided the most current, valuable and dynamic information on whole range of topics, vital to new and established publishers. Each daily break out session gave at least four choices of classes to attend. There’s something for everyone. I took pages of notes and am just now pulling jewels from them, including special websites to check out, blogs, relevant books to order, etc. The staff putting on the event appeared to be working overtime to tirelessly help, support and contribute to the overall success. There was always someone to answer questions. I’m looking forward to next year’s event, as I know the information will be 'cutting edge.'
—Dee Dee Phelps, Altergate Publishing
We realize that information is king and knowledge is supreme. And if we are to succeed, we must be willing to listen, learn and share the information we acquire by reading and by experience. The Publishing University gives us the chance to succeed!
—Ray Driver, CEO, Reflections Publishing, Inc.
I felt grateful for my accomplishment in 2 months with the support of knowledgeable and supportive friends. The IBPA Publishing University and BEA were the culmination of a fantastic 2 month journey. I kept raving so much about the IBPA training that others thought I worked for IBPA. ALL I have to say is — get the word out there about IBPA and its support for self-publishers.
—Phyllis T. Reid, Philmar Foundation for Purposeful Living
I made great connections, I learned a boatload, and most importantly, I learned the areas where I really need to improve our capabilities. Small publishers face a huge amount of hurdles in the marketplace. The IBPA Publishing University gives you a vital leg up.
—John DiCocco, BallMarker Press
An absolutely incredible learning experience! Every new publisher should make it mandatory on their list to attend the IBPA Publishing University!
—Kathryn Otoshi, KO Kids Books
I can’t begin to tell you how invaluable those three days were for me. As an independent publisher just starting out, the sessions were everything that I needed to learn. I was so very impressed with the professionalism and preparedness of the presenters. They are to be highly commended for their willingness to volunteer their time and give back to their association. Thank you all so very much for your time and extensive effort to help newcomers like me learn so much more about my new career choice!
—Tula Wingerson, Empty Harbor Productions
This is my second year and again I had a great time, returned to work fired up with tons of ideas on how to market SHRM books.
—Nicole Gauvin, SHRM
Fantastic experience! The seminars were packed with information that I have already started to use. Because I am just starting out as a publisher it was also very valuable to chat with others who have already gone down the path that’s in front of me.
—Cheryl Gorn, Secondhand Publishers
Thanks so much for all you do with consistent excellence at the annual Publishing University. I am still basking in the waterfall of great ideas from the Publishing University 2017 in Portland, Oregon. The wonderful people are the icing on a well-made and delicious cake of ideas, offerings and community!
—Patrice Maynard, Waldorf Publications / Research Institute for Waldorf Education
Two words: Blown away! Efficient, well-organized, uplifting...this conference raises the bar for other conferences that should take note. IBPA Publishing University should be a prerequisite for anyone interested in writing or publishing as a career. Thank you—small words for a huge impact!
—Wanda Obermeier, Adnaw Publishing
Each time I attend a Publishing University, I have specific goals in mind. IBPA has created a forum of high quality leaders in the publishing arena who the independent publisher/author can actually meet face-to-face. This opportunity is worth its weight in gold. Wonderful alliances have been made over the years through these conferences; not to mention the plethora of knowledge that experts bring to this 2-day event. PubU is well run, extremely organized and most enjoyable. THANKS, IBPA!
—Bess Taubman, MapMania Publishing Company
The IBPA Publishing University provided a great atmosphere to learn and share ideas. I left with helpful resources and confidence to grow my marketing plan.
—Colleen Nitznik, Marianne Richmond Studios, Inc.
Being new to the publishing world, I was very pleased to find out about the Publishing University. Prior to the sessions, I was learning as I was going and had many questions that were hard to find answers for. The sessions were very informative and helpful for me to have a better understanding of the industry. Many of the speakers were authors or small publishers that shared their experiences, good and bad, and had great tips to avoid the mistakes they made and most importantly to sell more books. In addition, I was able to learn what the large book retailers base their buying decisions on in detail directly from the buyers. Not only was I able to learn from successful authors, publishers, and book retailers, but I made many great contacts. If anyone is just starting out or if your book isn’t selling as great as you think it should, I highly recommend attending the IBPA Publishing University.
—Cres Ramirez, Imagination International, Los Angeles, CA
Now I know why colleagues told me it is so worth the money! I gathered more information and made more contacts than I could have in probably three years of work on my own.
—Pamela Waterman, The Discovery Box Publishing
Attending the IBPA Publishing University and networking with colleagues is a shot-in-the-arm of great info and renewed motivation to tackle another year in the difficult world of publishing.
—Susan E. Lanza, Buttonberry Books
The IBPA Publishing University is invaluable to any independent publisher, new or established. The open invitation to ask questions, the opportunity to learn from others’ experience, and the sheer inspiration of meeting people who are producing and selling excellent books makes the IBPA Publishing University a high point of the year.
—Toni Albert, Trickle Creek Books
I will not know the full benefit of attending the IBPA Publishing University for months because I came away with so many useful ideas to incorporate—from hands-on tips to new ways to think about the very large world of publishing. It’s a brave new publishing world. I can’t think of a better place than the IBPA Publishing University to explore that world.
—Doris Baker, Fitter Press, LLC
The IBPA Publishing University is a great training ground for new staff members, for young houses, and for professionals testing new ground—be it in new niches, new technologies, new markets, or new distribution channels.
—Rebecca Irwin-Diehl, Judson Press
As a first time attendee I found it very enjoyable to be able to interact with other publishers that were having the same growing pains that Intrigue Publishing is having. I enjoyed the camaraderie and the information exchange with other publishers very much.
—Denise Camacho, President, Intrigue Publishing LLC
I wanted to take the time to thank you for the opportunity to attend the IBPA Publishing University. The scholarship afforded me the opportunity to participate. It was truly a life changing experience. The keynote panel featuring the legends in Black Publishing impacted me greatly! I learned so much and made many valuable connections. I am forever grateful for the experience. Please continue to do what you do, impacting lives and making a positive difference in the world.
—Michelle Easley
Bravo, great job in delivering a high-impact, value-added, meaningful and moving experience. It was my first and I have been to many, many professional development conferences in my years as a marketing/PR director and now coach, but have never been around such incredibly supportive and generous board members, presenters and support staff. I was incredibly impressed with how generous everyone was with their time, expertise and counsel. I came to the conference looking for insight into the distribution process and walked away with much, much more. I will highly recommend IBPA and the conference to all my coaching clients who are in the process of writing and promoting books.
—Renee Peterson Trudeau, President, Career Strategists
I came home from Publishing University with a cornucopia of tips and tools—and a big dose of inspiration. I not only plan to attend again but I would strongly recommend it for other independent publishers, as well as writers aiming to self-publish new work and/or bring older work back into print and/or digital editions.
—C.M. Mayo, Dancing Chiva
I want to commend you on an event well done, I truly learned so much at IBPA's Publishing University and was so impressed with the workshops and the facilitators. Everyone was helpful and accessible. It was an experience that has propelled me to another level with my publishing company.
—Deborah Bellis, President, Reflections Publishing, Inc.
Being a businessman by trade and first-time author, the IBPA Publishing University was a great resource for me. I left with an abundance of information that I was able to put to use immediately. The event was well-organized, great staff and a group of very knowledgeable and informative speakers. The IBPA Publishing University is a must for a first-time author as well as a more established author that needs to brush up on the newest trends and techniques being utilized by the book trade.
—Tom Ruff, President and CEO, Tom Ruff Company

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